
Capturing the essence of the Lord Mayor’s Show through emotive film


Capturing the essence of the Lord Mayor’s Show through emotive film

Dating back to the 13th Century, the Lord Mayor’s Show is the oldest and longest civic procession in the world.

We travelled down to London with Response Multimedia to capture the grand celebration of the installation of the 695th Lord Mayor.

A journey to the City

After arriving in London, we made our way in to the City to meet the Worshipful Company of World Traders, who were part of the procession with their spectacular float, built by the team at Response Multimedia. We spent the day filming the float build, which depicted the City of London, complete with Shard, Gherkin and Tower Bridge.

The Lord Mayor’s Parade

The following day, we met with the World Traders at the beginning of the procession and began capturing the sprit and excitement of the parade.

We followed the route around the City of London, heading towards Mansion House to wave at the newly appointed Lord Mayor. We then carried on, past famous landmark locations such as St Pauls Cathedral.

Thanks from the Lord Mayor

The grandeur of this centuries old tradition is an incredible event to experience, one that we are very honoured to be a part of. A few weeks later, to show his thanks and appreciation, the Lord Mayor invited us to Mansion House for a meet and greet, where we were told about and shown the history and treasures of the City.


Videography, editing, post production

Dating back to the 13th Century, the Lord Mayor’s Show is the oldest and longest civic procession in the world.

We travelled down to London with Response Multimedia to capture the grand celebration of the installation of the 695th Lord Mayor.

A journey to the City

After arriving in London, we made our way in to the City to meet the Worshipful Company of World Traders, who were part of the procession with their spectacular float, built by the team at Response Multimedia. We spent the day filming the float build, which depicted the City of London, complete with Shard, Gherkin and Tower Bridge.

The Lord Mayor’s Parade

The following day, we met with the World Traders at the beginning of the procession and began capturing the sprit and excitement of the parade.

We followed the route around the City of London, heading towards Mansion House to wave at the newly appointed Lord Mayor. We then carried on, past famous landmark locations such as St Pauls Cathedral.

Thanks from the Lord Mayor

The grandeur of this centuries old tradition is an incredible event to experience, one that we are very honoured to be a part of. A few weeks later, to show his thanks and appreciation, the Lord Mayor invited us to Mansion House for a meet and greet, where we were told about and shown the history and treasures of the City.


Videography, editing, post production

See more from the Lord Mayor’s Show here:

See more from the Lord Mayor’s Show here:



