Behind The Scenes

Our Epic Adventure With USN & The Wolf Run

Group interview with USN athlete
Come behind the scenes with us on our latest video shoot with USN and The Wolf Run. Picture this: lush green hills, rugged terrain, a creative team and two USN brand ambassadors ready to tackle anything that comes their way. We took our cameras out into nature to capture these adrenaline junkies showing us their workout routines and chatting about their favourite USN products.
2 athletes running while cameraman tracks them
The USN and Wolf Run partnership was the perfect mix of educating the public on training advice for challenging events like Wolf Trails, and how to supplement your nutrition with USN products for the best fitness results.
We captured all the action by using cameras on the ground, running alongside the ambassadors, getting creative with the natural surroundings and launching the drone in the air for a birds eye view of the terrain .
DJI drone flying
Group of people stood looking at an iPad
Woman stood behind a collection of USN supplements
2 athletes drinking protein shakes while being filmed by cameraman
Group of athelets and creative team discussing film shoot
Group of athletes and film crew on shoot
But it wasn’t all blood, sweat, and tears (okay, maybe a little sweat). We also had plenty of laughs along the way, making the brand ambassadors feel more relaxed on shoot which comes out as true authenticity on camera.
Man and woman laughing together
The smiles continue with a bloopers reel that’ll have you laughing. This captures the lighter side of being on shoot.
These powerhouse brands brought their A-game, showcasing their products and spreading the message of living life to the fullest through a fitness lifestyle. We couldn’t be prouder to partner with such inspiring companies on this video shoot and thoroughly enjoyed working with them.
Check out the video we created for USN here:

